Zuzhao Ye

Reference Video:Youtube From the server jupyter notebook --ip --port 8889 Result: From the remote Enter the address to a web browser. http://technhit-lab:8889/ Result: Enter the cred...

To create a virtual environment Refer to: How to create a virtual environment using Conda. To create a virtual env with name ‘myenv’: conda create --name myenv To create a virtual env with envi...

Use a Jekyll theme To use an open source Jekyll theme available on Fork that repo to your own account (you may not need to fork it to have it works, but to give credits to the author...

Note: This is just my personal record in case I forget how to operate. Having both Linux and MS Windows could be fun. Microsoft provides a tool called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows us ...

Note: This is just my personal record in case I forget how to operate. rpy2 is a package connect Python with R, i.e. call R functions from Python. Follow the link below to install rpy2 for Window...

Abstract In one of my course projects, we need to analyze the seasonal pattern of Citibike riderships. I find taking some notes on how to handle Citibike data will be helpful for future reference....

Abstract MTA (Subway operator of NYC) provides passenger flow data based on the record of each turnstile. Wait, what is a turnstile? It’s something like this: ...

Abstract In one of my course project, I want to know the geographical characteristics of the real estate sales of NYC. Therefore, I create a few code snippets to display the sale records on the ma...

Here are some notes on how to use Selenium package to scrap web data. Language: Python 3.7 Dependencies: Selenium use pip install or it comes with Anaconda BeautifulSoup pip install bs4 Br...

After you installed a nice NVIDIA GPU for your computer, you also need Cuda to run your fancy tasks. Suppose you are using Python, you may also need Numba. It’s like, after fitting a new powerful e...
